

This sci-fi crime drama has a mix of augmented reality UI and futuristic devices with interface elements.
UI Credit:
Krista Lomax

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Continuum UI TV Show

Command Center

  • This glass table top is a touch screen command center. Map routes light up as he interacts with the screen.

  • There's a rapid spiral animation that grows as soon as he touches the screen.

  • Highlight: Notice how light and sensitive the touch gesture is while he moves data around the interface. However, displaying the video on the separate screen in front of him requires more momentum through a full arm gesture.👆🏾


CPS Body Suit

She can easily break into an ATM with her bodysuit's PIN wheel technology.

Highlight: There's a color wheel UI integrated into her suit, so in a few taps, she can change the color of her outfit. 🎨



  • The HUD has a thermal scan feature which highlights where heat sensors pick up activity.

  • The facial recognition software identifies people in their database. The UI shows a zoomed in RECOG of the subject's eyes and who it matches.

  • Highlight: The heads up display has a target tracking UI that turns red when motion is detected. It also alerts the user of weapons identified. 🎯


  • Highlight: This gun has a built-in UI for target aim. The point of impact has a red glow around the subject. 🔫



Similar to Waterland Bold FX & Supernormale Eight Sta Bold

Continuum UI Typography

Gallery UI

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